Starting a Knitting Group

My knitting group grew out of a quilting group that I started several years ago and a sock class we held about a year ago. We meet once a month in members' homes. (We haven't had an LYS here until recently.)
It's good to get together and share ideas and help each other. For example, one of our members did a steek demo. I demonstrated Kitchener st another time. We have no dues and no rules. (You can even quilt or do cross-stitch during our meetings!) I send out an e-mail to all the people who have said they want to be notified. I tell them the date, time and location. If they need directions, I paste them into the e-mail. The host or hostess provides light refreshments. We try to RSVP, but it
Several of our participants are complete beginners. Others started out as beginners and have made a lot of progress. Sometimes we trade yarn, loan equipment (needles and other stuff) or share patterns. Occasionally we do a KAL with two or three people from the group working on the same project. If one of us is placing an order at Knit Picks, we usually check with the others to see if anyone needs anything. This saves on shipping for us, and I'm sure simplifies the whole process for Knit Picks.
We have just started a spinning group, which met for the first time on Friday the 13th. A lucky day for those of us who were there.
I really enjoy our knitting group meetings. Happy knitting! --Peggy
