On a Roll!

Well, I'm getting some knitting done, as you can see. I need to dig out my quilting and see if I'm able to do anything with needle and thread. Here's what I'm working on primarily, 30 minutes at a time, several times a day:

Above you see my Nonna's Garden Shawl up to row 7, and my Knit Picks Classic Lines Cardigan (CLC) body up to row 6. (I used a provisional CO and will do my hem in with knitting the front side, as I did for the sleeves.) It's going slowly because, as most of you know, I can only knit for 30 minutes at a time at this point in my recovery from thumb surgery. Also, we had a meeting here last night, for which I provided a full meal [pant, pant], and we're heading out with the trailer tomorrow AM for Reno for the Far West Ski Assn. Convention, so I've been packing. My CLC will be going along, as well as my Kristi socks by Cookie A., just in case I have time on my hands and get bored with the CLC's straight knitting.
I've been getting a lot of spinning done, though, while I've been unable to knit non-stop. I'm still working on the Coopworth hand-dyed roving I got from Oregon. I have three hanks of about 4-oz each finished, and I'm plying a fourth. I have a few more to go. Here's what the latest hank looks like:

In my "real" life, hiking season is in full swing, with at least a couple of hikes with the doggies each week. Saturday we hiked in the Sun Peak area of Park City. The photo below shows Rocky (left) and Sunny (right) following Daddy, like dutiful little members of the pack.

Rocky was really good until he flushed out a rabbit almost his size. He came back when we yelled at him, but for the rest of the hike he pranced as if he knew he was hot stuff (and he was right)!
Sunny had a bath Monday, because our visit to the nursing home was Tuesday. She and I were doing high-fives because one of our clients has started to talk to us. He hasn't been able to talk. He was so happy to see Sunny, and happy to see me, too, I guess, because I'm Sunny's assistant.
Happy knitting everyone, and have a safe week! --Peggy
